The Needs of Marriage
Series: Shawn Bain October 2009
The Needsof Marriage
- 1 Cor 12:20-25
The Needs of Marriage
“I have no need of you” (v.21)
What needs did God intend a marriage to fulfill?
Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Physical, Relational, etc.
Our Need For God
The desire to be intimate with Him
We are never unfulfilled with God
(2 Peter 1:3; Matt 6:33,34;Rom 8:35-39; 5:8; Eph 2:10; Ecc 12:13)
In Christ, we are full (Col 2:9,10)
God provides above “all that we ask or think”
(Eph 3:20) Psalm 107:8,9
The Need Inthe Beginning
To fulfill man’s “aloneness” (Gen 2:18-20)
The word “alone” means “bad”
The word “alone” also means “besides, a part..”
God created woman as a perfect match (v.23)
The Need Inthe Beginning
God created man with a NEED for intimacy
Intimacy is the "process in which two caring people share as
freely as possible in the exchange of feelings, thoughts and
actions...marked by a mutual sense of acceptance, commitment,
tenderness and trust."
Compare the words
“I Love You” To “I Need You”
Ways you NEEDeach other…
For a balanced and truthful viewpoint of yourself. (Gal 6:1)
Believe in you when others don't and you can‘t (Rom 12:3-6)
Multiply your joys, divide your sorrows
(1 Cor 12:25,26; Gal 6:2)
To raise spiritually and physically healthy children (Eph 6:2-4)
For a FULL color view of life (Ecc 12:13)
Why Is the Need Lost?
Satan blinds, hides, and deceives
(2 Cor 11:14,15; Eph 1:17,18)
Similarity to the rich man (Matt 19:16-24)
We have been distracted and diversions arise…
Why Is the Need Lost?
Three areas of diversions
A thing
A person
An emotional need..
Why Is the Need Lost?
Needs in marriage are viewed differently…
Communication is the key to knowledge of one another’s needs (Eph 4)…
Your assignment…
List 5 ways you need your spouse and share your list with each other
“I Need You”