Cheap Happiness
Our world suffers under the delusion that happiness is achieved through riches, sex, power, and prestige. Instead of learning what true contentment means, people seek it in the cheap counterfeits that Satan passes off. The devil is continually trying to convince us to find happiness in earthly things (Matthew 6:19) and in the passing pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25). But keep in mind his great reputation as a deceiver and the father of lies (John 8:44). Consider this story: “When the prosperous man on a dark but starlit night drives comfortably in his carriage and has the lanterns lighted, then he is safe, he fears no difficulty, he carries his light with him, and it is not dark close around him. But precisely because he has lanterns lighted, and has a strong light close to him, precisely for this reason, he cannot see the stars. For his lights obscure the stars, which the poor peasant, driving without lights, can see gloriously in the dark but starry night. So those deceived ones live in the temporal existence, occupied with the necessities of life (Matthew 6:31-32; Mark 4:19), they are too busy to avail themselves of the view, or in their prosperity and the good days they have, as it were, lanterns lighted, and close about them everything is so satisfactory, so pleasant, so comfortable—but the view is lacking, the prospect, the view of the stars” (The Simple Life, V. Eller, p. 12). There needs to be a conscious effort made by all of us to set our sights upon true and lasting joy in God. “Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). If you are waiting for your job to fill the emptiness in your soul, it never will. The same goes for your home, your hobbies, your money, and, in at least some sense, even your families.
God Should Be Our Desire
To find lasting joy, we must seek God. It should be our daily goal to commune with Him in the deepest way possible, and to model ourselves after Jesus Christ. “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul longs after Thee. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (Psalm 42:1-2). Desiring God means putting Him first. It means recognizing His blessings and being grateful:
God has given us a beautiful world with so many great things. If the creation is so grand, how much more so is the Creator (1 Timothy 4:4)?
Having a relationship with God is lasting. It is not fraught with uncertainties. We know where we stand with Him, and what His expectations are.
Friendship with God leads to eternal joy. If you really want lasting happiness, what is more lasting than Heaven?