How Do I Know When My Hobby Has Become A Bad Thing?
Truly, no hobby is important enough to neglect your obligations to God and family. If your video games or model trains have pulled you away from spending quality time with your children, or if your membership in a club of some kind has resulted in your regular absence from worship services, then it is time for a change in your life! I understand how difficult it is to break away from an activity that is enjoyable or time-consuming. In fact, most anybody can remember something like that in their lives! But we must always remember that hobbies cannot take control of us or we may fall away into deep sin. “For by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19). So what are some indications that my hobby has turned into an obsession or distraction?
When your family is annoyed by it – Good hobbies are activities that a family can get behind and support. Your spouse and children are proud of your accomplishments and admire you for your dedication to an activity. But if your family is just annoyed or exasperated every time you play, practice, or “putter around” with an activity, then you should take that as a sign that you are giving it too much attention. Remember that your children will only be young once, and your spouse needs your love, affection, and devotion to the work of the home.
When it consumes you during truly relevant activities – Such as worship, work, or quality time with your spouse. If you are sitting in church with every thought occupied with getting back to your video game, favorite sports team, or backyard project, it is time to reassess some things. Our list of priorities should never include a hobby – a hobby, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is a pursuit that is outside one’s regular activities, which means that church, family, and work never compromise for the sake of a hobby.
When it is causing negative physical consequences – Some athletes push their bodies too hard and cause damage. They never rest or recover from the strain of a hard workout. Some video gamers practically go into atrophy for lack of physical exertion. If your hobbies are damaging your body, then it is time to re-evaluate them. Our bodies, after all, are supposed to be in the service of God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Being too exhausted for church activities, falling asleep in worship, reducing life expectancy through neglect or dangerous activities – all signs that you are taking your hobby too far!