Team Work (makes the dream work)
It becomes very clear from reading the Bible that God heartily endorses the concept of team work. Even from the very beginning, our Father admits, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). Throughout Israelite history, we see examples of how national unity (most often unified by common enemies, tragedies, or tribulations) helps galvanize God’s people in the face of mighty odds. Much later, we find that the church which Jesus established (Matthew 16:18) was always intended to be a team, and God wants His believers organized into local congregations (Acts 2:42, Romans 16:16, Hebrews 10:24-25). Also remember that there are passages which emphasize how much I need to participate in this team, and that I have an important role to play. “...According to the proper working of each individual part...” (Ephesians 4:16).
Strength In Numbers
A theme that we often see in the world is that “I can go it alone” and still do great things. In an age of soloists and superstars, rebels and loners, it is so tempting to believe that there is something to that lifestyle. Yet anybody who has lived long enough will eventually find that loners and superstars can never be better than the sum total of a team. “A study of horses revealed that a single horse could pull an average of 2,500 pounds. The test was repeated with two horses. You’d expect the weight pulled to double — to about 5,000 pounds. Not so. Two horses working together pulled 12,500 pounds. That’s five times the amount one could pull alone. There’s something inside a living being that rises to accomplish exponentially greater things when part of a team” (Do Hard Things, Alex and Brett Harris, p. 111). Solomon teaches, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion...” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
“Credit Is Free Around Here”
One thing that often gets in the way of team work is when people are preoccupied with getting credit for something. Incentives, bonuses, and special treatment can often have a negative effect on a team. This should not be so in God’s house, and a great motto to adopt would be: “Credit is free around here, and we give it away.” Perhaps instead of always waiting around for someone to notice your good deed, you should take the initiative and compliment others, giving them preference (Romans 12:10). Someone once said that most problems that arise in congregations concern rights, privileges, places and prestige, especially if someone feels that they have been neglected or unrecognized. But remember that love never strives for fame, or the “chief seat” (Luke 20:46). Love, work, and worship as if God is the only One who sees it!